Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Crazy days

So How do you describe a day like today?

First we had Kids church which was as fun as it always is.  My little friend had brought her pet for the day with her, yes it is a locust.  She happily played with it throughout church.

Then we went to meet with those we had gathered for prayer for the crops.
Because of family illness my messenger didn’t get to invite the village, which when I arrived was a small relief, the thought of thousands of people was quite terrifying. 
She had managed to gather 15 of my KOP guardians together.  Ah, friendly faces.
These ladies are proper poor, hand to mouth, no small change, feeding families on nothing, going to bed hungry regularly poor, they live on what they can get with open hearts and open homes.

We started with a few Bemba songs and of course dancing and whooping.
I then explained a little that Jesus loves to heal people, because He loves them and asked if anyone would like us to pray to Jesus.  A dozen or so eager hands went up.
So we split into 2 teams and prayed, briefly, no fancy words just asking God for each ones conditions to get better. Then got them to try it out, see if anything had gotten healed.
“I had pain in my neck and shoulder and now I can do this" as she swings her neck from side to side vigerously and rolls her shoulder round."

                                        “I couldnt see more than this, (about 5-10 metres) my eyes were cloudy and now I can see clearly”,
“What?” I say,
“so where can you see to now”, I take her to the door, “Can you see that ant hill over there?”,
“Yes I can”,
“Can you see Mrs. Chomba’s washing on her clothes line?”,
“Yes and I can see the Avocados in the Avocado tree”, (this is about 50 metres away and I can just see them clearly).

“My legs were so painful all the time and now I can do this” as she jumps up and down, up and down (she is 72 years old too).

From the 15 ladies, 13 were instantly healed of one or more condition.

I love it when Jesus gets our attention.
So i tell them how they can be friends with God and about Jesus.
They all respond and ask God to be the boss of their lives.

Then we all asked God to double this years expected crops so that life this year can be a little easier.

Crazy days are becoming normal...


  1. cmon Jesus You are truly amaZING!! Your Love never fails!
