Wednesday 7 November 2012

Bush and Trees

We have been out to the bush-bush for the past few weeks, out to villages that in a few weeks will be completely cut off by road because already the "roads" are being eroded fast by the rains. Traveling to remote huts on “roads” that at times are scary to drive on, steep angles that take courage to attempt to navigate and potholes that could give you whiplash has been a great privilege. We have been taking fertilizer to a few of our families to help with their maize harvest after receiving a donation from some children in England and giving out food parcels.
Yesterday Mrs Chomba commented that I drove like a man which I think was a compliment!
Bringing fertilizer is great as it helps families towards self sufficiency.

Its the season for Imfongo, a small plum like fruit, that dries up your saliva as soon as you put it in your mouth but is everywhere and people love.  I found one of my 5 year old boys up the tree next to my hut office so high I was terrified he would fall but he shim-med down with pockets stuffed full of the orange red fruits as if he was an expert.

 I realised this week on a deeper level how amazing my team are as we visited a very down mother of 7 who was in a very low state, they spent good time encouraging her and talking to her in such a gentle and loving way, as I sat and watched I felt just happy to be here with such great people.

Do pray for us next week as we prepare to run a kids church in Kamalasha, the village 2km away that is on the border of the Dr. Congo and where about 200 of our kids live.

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