Thursday, 31 January 2013

Too much

"And can you get 12 batteries and 70 bread rolls..."

3 hours later my friend was back with a bus full............
of bread rolls...............
20 in a packet.................
70 packets...................
thats 1400 bread rolls.....................

my first reaction was to laugh, a lot, but my friend looked worried, so I quickly reassured him that it was ok and we would use them and I wasnt mad.

On monday we took a bus full of bread and a treasure hunting map and had some fun.

First clues pointed to the local orphanage and the workers there, about 100 men and women were in a dark shed eating lunch and were pleased to have a little more on their plates.
We went to the local clinic where about 30 mothers and their many kids ate bread to their hearts content.
Then to a bus pick up spot where about 15 men cheered very loudly at some lunch, to the bush where random passers by and many kids hung out and munched away as we played with balloons we had also brought with us.

At the end we took the remaining rolls to the village on the border as there were still many left. We drove past the police building, a small ramshackled place and thought, ‘I bet no-one takes bread to policemen’.
We handed out many in the office and reception then saw hands reaching out of a 8x8inch hole in a door.
This was the cell, there were about 15 men with standing room only in a room no bigger than 3x4metres with this one “window” in the door.
We handed rolls as fast as we could as we were told by the officers not to feed these men as they were prisoners.
All this anger rose in me as i argued that they needed food as much as anyone else and tried to buy my team a few more seconds.
These men were so grateful and I was broken by a this harrowing experience, I cant stop thinking about them.

I love that God loves us no matter what we have done.
I feel so privileged to have been there, sent to give practical love in a forgotten place.

We are planning another visit next week.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Best thing since sliced bread....

Its funny how everything starts looking like home at times?

So this weekend I had a visit from my friend Emma Doxat-Pratt (EDP to her friends).   EDP has been working on the King's Arms Project Nightshelter team for the the last year and is my first visitor from home.

Ive loved having her stay, her energy, positivity and hard work have been a real joy to be around. 

Our adventures started with us asking God one morning what shall we do today?
We thought we should go "be a blessing" to people, so went to my favourite village and visited some friends there.  Two people got healed when we prayed and we had lots of fun walking around and chatting away.

The rest of our time we have chilled out, went swimming, went to chapel, snuggled with dogs, watched Gilmore Girls and Miranda, cooked an amazing curry with Brownies for pudding, slept, laughed, caught up on news from home and generally had a great time.

Yesterday I decided Id take Emma to the local school in our lunch break, we got there, looked around and then thought,
"lets go to the village in the bush Anne-Mette is staying".
So we got in the car and ventured on the terrible mud road out there. 
About 5km in, the mud got a bit squishy,
by about 5.5km we were stuck fast, car wont budge, calf deep in thick, warm, squishy mud...............
Eventually a kind truck driver stopped, chatted, pushed and then had to rescue us by pulling us out with a rope!
(Its amazing how warm mud can feel so nice between your toes!?)

Emma then ran the KOP office for the afternoon with Lister and Mrs Chomba, they saw 3 people healed of pain.

So Id like to say Thanks Emma, You have been an absolutely stonking great blessing and I have so enjoyed your company.

(And thanks to all who sent greetings, cards and presents with EDP.)

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Just sayin..........

Its feeling a bit chilly today... no, seriously it is  

Weather for Ndola

Chance of StormsChance of StormsChance of StormsChance of Storms


Thursday, 10 January 2013

More on the Attitude of Gratitude

So Ive written a little on (what I call) "the Attitude of Gratitude" in previous blogs.
This week I wanted to introduce you to Ann Voskamp.
 (She blogs at

I was sent this book by my friend Carly for my birthday a year and a half ago.

The challenge of the book is to count the good things in your life.
I started making a list of 10 things everyday that I was grateful for;  a cup of coffee from a work colleague, the smile from the bus driver that made me smile back, dear friends who text to say hello, washed dishes, a day of good health for my sick brother.

One Thousand Gifts (or "the blue egg book") is a book that's written poetically, it makes you read it slowly and for someone like me who isn't a big reader, it really helped me digest its content.

I found that taking time each day to actually document goodness in my life made me think more positively, made me live more gratefully and made my heart more thankful. It shows you from Ann's life how you can really live in the moment and get energized by the life in it.

I realise I have stopped looking at what I don't have so much and have started celebrating what I do have and MAN! I am happier for it.
Although I do grumble, its less, although I do wish for things, they don't consume me in the same way, I see more goodness around me and am starting to see just how good life already is.

I can honestly say this book changed my life.

So I present it to you.  Buy it, read it, be happier because of it.

(Its even been translated into french).
