Wednesday 26 September 2012

A Slice of Life

Well Hello...
Another week has past and Im starting to get into the rhythm of Zambian life.

On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons I got to some of the surrounding villages to visit families with often 20-30 children in tow shouting Muzungu (Whitey) and playing various usually chase based games as we go. This has been the best part of my week, most days Ive thought “I cant believe I get to do this as a job...Im walking around an African village sitting and chatting to some amazingly resourceful and inspirational people....I love this!”

My diet has been pretty simple, bread, eggs, tomatoes, jam, coffee and peanut butter until today! ......
Today I found a new shop called “King Pie”.  I don’t think I have been so excited about a chicken and mushroom slice! It cost about £1.50 but I didn’t care, it tasted so, so good! I could hardly contain my joy and every mouthful was like heaven.

 Living a life of gratitude is going to a whole new level.
Today I am very grateful.