This phrase has been buzzing round my head for a few weeks now.
So i thought Id let you in on it.
Tracy Evans in the book "Outrageous Courageous"
uses this phrase when talking about God.
In the bible God is described as being the Lion of Judah.
There are 2 ways of looking at a Lion.
Disney would have us believe that Lions are cuddly and snuggly and we can nestle in their manes.
In some ways God is like this, He is our Dad, our Father and so comfort, gentleness and affection are how He likes to be when He is around us.
If you are fortunate enough to ever watch Lions, they are like this with their own, they play and snuggle a lot.
But when you watch them in the wild, they are also ferocious.
I mean a Lions paw will rip through flesh like its butter, they are like razor blades.
A Lion will chase and hunt down its prey in order to annihilate it.
Its not chasing it for a cuddle.
Its gonna rip it to pieces.
When a Lion feeds it whole face gets covered in blood, dripping off its chin.
Sorry to be graffic, but...
When the bible says when we pray, our prayers are powerful and effective.
Thinking about the Lion of Judah has been helping me to remember who I pray to.
Sickness is like butter is his claws.
He is ridiculously powerful and for some mind blowing reason loves us so much He is willing to fight for us and our freedom.
Good bye Kitty, Kitty.
Thats not my Lion.