Wednesday, 6 February 2013

A modern day hero

Let me introduce you to Anne-Mette Frederiksen.
She is Danish and twenty years old.
She has given up friends, family, comfort and an easy life to come and live in Zambia for the next 2 years.
For a few days a week Anne-Mette gives up the comfort of living in Kaniki to go live in the bush, I mean the bush-bush, no electricity, no fans or mosquito netted windows, cooking over a charcoal fire, miles from the nearest road, living in a mud hut, only 2 people speaking good English, you have to fetch water everyday - bush.
She has started a youth programme for the teenagers there.

Anne-Mette's hut
 One of the first things you notice about Anne-Mette is that she is humble, unassuming and loves Jesus, He is her friend, you can see Him in her smile and they way she talks about others, the way she touches an old lady’s hand as she talks with her, the way she wants to be around people just to make them happy, the way she is often the first to wash up or help with serving a meal.
She is very aware she is a 20 year old, is not a Doctor or teacher or been to university yet.

But, she is willing to give her whole self and does so - which I think can be more impacting somehow.
She reminds me of Gladys Alywood, another of my heroes.

Anne-Mette is a challenge to me, she is realistic about the challenges of bush life, her fears and apprehensions, but she is goes anyway, “because God said to go”.

She is a challenge to not let fear hold us back from living the adventure of life. 

There are many things we dream about doing but can easily talk ourselves out of. Starting our own business or taking a change in career, talking to the guy at work sitting on his own every tea break, speaking up in a group where you feel intimidated, doing something good for someone outside of your social group even tho your friends may ridicule you.

I want to always hear my heart say 
“This is scary and Im scared.........but...........lets do it anyway.”

I believe we were all born do do something amazing.